toronto The City of Toronto wants your help to change the perception of homeless shelters. (Flickr)

If the winter has been brutal for you, imagine how brutal it's been for those who don't have homes. Homeless shelters have been in overdrive, past capacity.

While the City has adopted a motion to add 1,000 new beds to shelters this year, other projects have been making an impact. For instance, Toronto Storeys recently featured this new housing model aiming to fight homelessness in our city.

Now, Toronto thinks we need to change the perception of shelters to make an even bigger impact. So the City wants to call homeless shelters something else, and is asking for your help.

It's asking what language should be used to describe the services provided to people experiencing homelessness, to better reflect the values and intended outcomes of those services. To that end, you can take a brief survey to give your input.

But what other questions should the City of Toronto ask? Affordable housing is a crisis that looms large. In a city where the average new single-family home costs more than $1.2 million ... And in a city cited as one of the least affordable in the world ... We need to ask What the F___ is happening here? And we need to answer it.

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